Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Back Yard: End of May 2015

Photos from the Kitchen Garden, hopvines and general backyard stuff. It's a mess back here.

Sweet Autumn Clematis just made it over the fence

Planted Little Cypress

Hoping the bracts come back on the Bougainvillea

Moved the hostas to the Japanese maple for shade

Front Yard: End of May 2015

Some photos from the front yard over the past couple of days. The laurels are looking really lush and green and I planted some Pampas grass between the two Shasta daisies. I already don't miss the cypress.

Garden: Last Week of May 2015

Some photos around the garden the last couple of days:

Monday, May 11, 2015

Early May

These photos taken from first week of May and the day after Mother's Day (the cool gray pictures):

Villa Roma Sweet Peas

Kitchen Garden

KG with Klomparens Cypress

Mock Orange - shaping into a tree form

West Hopvine

Baby Cypress

West Italian Plum

Mock Orange Shrubs

Planter with 'Golden Balcony' Begonia


Baltic Ivy

Azalea losing flowers



Kerry's Lemon repotted

East Hopvine

Middle Hopvine

Cool morning 5/11/2015


Red Twig Dogwood Shrub

Sweet Autumn Clematis

Lemon #1 (brown pot) putting out leaves

Lemon #2 (blue pot) putting out leaves

'Gallery Yellow' Lupines

Mediterranean Bells



'Golden Sentinel' apples

Golden Sentinel

Cool morning 5/11/2015

The only two flowers on the Thumbergia vine 5/11/2015