Saturday, November 28, 2015

FROST and in the TEENS at Night

My weather website ( has been lying to me. They keep saying we are having night in the mid-20's but each night this week the temp here at Villa Cappello has dropped into the range of 18-19 degrees. Crap.

Hopefully, no lasting damage has been done. I've been faithfully covering the Arbequina with 2 tarps and it has been frost free, so I hope that means something. Today I added 3 strings of yellow Christmas lights that we bought for our Christmas tree (they were supposed to be "gold" which sounded too good to be true, and alas, it was. I wove the lights in amongst the branches and then in circles around the bottom, to turn on at night to keep it warm-ish.

I also decided to wrap the Junipers in burlap even though they are winter hardy...I just remember the lady at Sunnyside Nursery telling me 'when it drops into the teens, wrap the evergreens' least the young ones.

Below are some photos I took this morning. The frost is pretty at least. And none of the plants or trees yet looks truly worse for the wear.

Friday, November 20, 2015

First Frost Fall 2015

Yesterday I mulched well, and just in time. We have our first frost this morning. Temps dropped to around 29 degrees last night and they're still hovering there. Here's a run-down of what I did to prepare.

  • Mulched the Skyrocket Junipers more heavily
  • Mulched all leafy green plants, most evergreens, vines
  • Planted the little 1' tall Skyrocket Juniper by the deck
  • "Caged" up the 3 junipers with jute
  • Mulched the olive tree with black plastic bags (over the pea gravel), then put heavy large wood mulch over top of that. Covered the olive with a tarp overnight.
  • Brought 3rd lemon tree into garage
  • Set 2 deck lemons with bubble wrap and lights on 
  • Mounded new garden soil about 6 inches up grape vines; mulched w/wood chips over that.
The only thing I forgot to do was spray the junipers with Wilt-Pruf after tying them. Will do that today.

Well, what happened overnight? 

Fatsias and Acanthu Mollis look affected

Wow, even Ottos looking shocked

Took this right after uncovering the olive - it's frost free